
FR&R - Frost Ruttenberg & Rothblatt

Alliance Partners:
Betsy Anderson, Officer & Director

New HIPAA compliance solutions regulations and privacy requirements continue to affect healthcare organizations across the U.S. The HITECH Act of 2009 mandates that healthcare providers take a series of steps to:

• Strengthen safeguards for Protected Health Information (PHI)
• Enable secure electronic exchange of PHI
• Establish interoperability between systems — both internally and with external business associates

In addition to extensive technology mandates, the HITECH Act includes a combination of significant financial incentives and penalties that will take effect in 2011.

All HIPAA-covered entities should begin planning for implementation of Versions 5010, D.0, and 3.0 at this time. In particular, clearinghouses and software vendors should start developing compliant products so that they will be available for the industry to test and implement. Vendors are critical in terms of providing the software and applications to make compliant transactions possible, and to allow for early testing between trading partners.

For providers who want to maximize incentive dollars now and avoid penalties later, now is the time to assess your HIPAA compliance solutions and pave the road to full compliance. Let FR&R assist you in this process.

Frost, Ruttenberg & Rothblatt, P.C
111 S. Pfingsten Road
Suite 300
Deerfield, IL 60015
(847) 236-1111 – Phone
(847) 236-1155 – Fax

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